Sunday, August 29, 2021

Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone!  I'm excited to start another school year.  This year marks my 25th year teaching Health and Physical Education.  It is my 16th year teaching at OCS.  Although we are still be faced with many challenges, I know we will all work together and make it a great year!

We will get outside for PE as much as we can.  Students in grades 6-8 will change into gym uniforms for PE class.  As the weather changes, students may bring a sweatshirt.  The grass is usually wet for early morning classes.  Students may also bring a change of socks and shoes.  Another good hygiene tip is deodorant for after class.  Deodorant must be stick or roll-on type.  Aerosol sprays of anykind are not allowed in school.

For Health class, students should be prepared as they would for all their other academic classes.  Arrive for class ready to work with a positive attitude.

If you need to reach me at school, email is the fastest (  You can also reach me at 453-4101 x2104.  I usually don't get a chance to check my phone messages until the afternoon.  I look forward to working with you all!